Dear Parent/Carer. Families will be aware of the Prime Minister's message last night during which he announced further restrictions and guidance to the public to tackle the spread of the coronavirus.
As a school, we are doing our best to support the approach that the Government is taking to reducing journeys and limit interactions, while fulfilling our duties to the school community.
Springfield School, however, still remains open to vulnerable youngsters and the children of emergency/keyworkers. The Council has also asked us to continue with the 'grab and go' free school meals provision for the time being, as for some families this school lunch is an essential item. The very small numbers of people using this service means that social distancing is straightforward to manage. We are, however, hoping that we might receive news of possible alternative arrangements from local or national Government soon.
Schools have been asked to reinforce the message that, although we are open to a small number of pupils, parents/carers of those eligible pupils should only send them onto site when absolutely necessary. We are mindful that many parents work shifts and so will not need their children to attend the provision every day. Please let the school know if your child will not be attending on certain days. Please look out for a quick survey that will be later published today about on-site provision during the (school) Easter break. (This is for emergency/key workers' children only.)
Please continue to follow the school's website for updates and the Government's advice:
Kind regards
Ms S F Spivey
CEO, Headteacher